Unfair? Unkind?… I don’t think so

Posted: May 13, 2019 in Uncategorized

 People have said I am unkind to tar all members of parliament with the same brush when I call them Liars, Murderers and Thieves. That it is unfair to some hard working MPs, who do their best for their constituents.

I say, show me one, give me the name of one, who does not put themselves before their constituents, who does not put their party before their constituents. Show me one who has not gained at least one extra home, paid for by the taxpayer. Show me one who does not claim the maximum weekly expenses for paperwork, stamps, office equipment, heating, lighting, lunches etc. for their constituency offices.

I think I’m justified in calling all of them Liars, Murderers and Thieves.

I don’t know how true the tweet below is but it wouldn’t surprise me; what with the expenses thieving that came to light in 2009, cash for questions and the Hamiltons, child abuse cover ups and Dolphin square, buying on-line porn at the taxpayers expense, denying any wrongdoing yet paying money back they (Hazel Blears) claim was legit. Perjuring themselves when caught speeding, breaking curfews when out on licence, the list of offences is endless, yet they are supposedly our betters, honourable members, the best of the best. Only they’re not, are they?



Still say I’m wrong, unkind, unfair?


If there are any who do not claim the full expenses, do not gain extra homes and all the furnishings that go in those homes, then they know that all the rest of them do.Yet say nothing.

They drag convicted criminals to the house, beyond the official (tagged) curfew, to pass a law that removes the last chance of a clean exit from the Empire.

Hat Tip: Keith Lambert

And now this has appeared, thanks to a chap on last weeks Question time; https://moreunited.org.uk/mps/

The gin soaked, addled Anna Soubry at first denied taking money from moreunited, but then repented, admitting that she took the money to help with her election campaign, for the Conservatives, but has since jumped ship to the ChUKs, one wonders if she’ll hand the money back as she is no longer a tory.

Well it turns out that there are more than 50 of the troughers, hoovering up the cash, determined to keep their place in the limelight, on the gravy train, stuffing their pockets.

I mentioned back in December last year, how plants guests in the Question time audience had started to repeat the mantra that the politicians should stop arguing, point scoring, bitching and work together, in the national interest, to get us out of the mess we are in…

“More United works with MPs from a range of parties who are prepared to work together to put country before party.

The MPs we work with lead cross-party campaigns which are supported by More United members.

At General Elections we reward MPs who work with us providing money and volunteers to help them get re-elected.

We back 55 MPs from seven different parties”

It would seem that they have been working together, against us, the people, to undermine the democratic process, for fucknoes how long and for how much cash.

Just take a look at the list of MPs, if you have the stomach for it, I count at least 4 who,having taken the money and the volunteers help, to get elected for one party – it wasn’t the ChUKs – have jumped ship but refuse to stand in a by-election. Perhaps the money is only there for General Elections.

I find it rather  very sinister that this cross-party showerofshit are all remainers, working in the shadows, against their constituents, for an ideological agenda; a quick peek at the campaigns of moreunited says just one thing SOCIALISM, and yet half of them are allegedly Tories, Greenies or Illiberal Demophobes*

Is this not taking money under false pretences?

There is a dangerous precedence being set here in that the people are not getting what they think they are voting for.


*Demophobia: an irrational fear of democracy.


Socialism= One small step for a man, one giant leap towards poverty, penury and annihilation.





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