Archive for December, 2018

Question Time

Posted: December 6, 2018 in Uncategorized

No doubt on tonight’s question time, on the PBC, some random audience member, from the hand-picked audience, will berate the politicians on the panel and tell them that they should be working together ‘…in the national interest’ blah, blah, to sort out the mess blah, blah, that the present prime minister, under instruction from her masters in the EU, has created.

But what that random member of the audience knows, deep down in the deepest, darkest recesses of their mind is that all politicians, of all parties, are working together, to overturn the will of the majority; that we voted to and should leave the dictatorship of the EU.

Only today on the Daily Propaganda Politics show, Nicky Moron, the former education Propaganda sekatary, Lisa ‘listhping’ Nandy, feminist man hater, traitor to her leave voting constituents and the scotch Tribesman Ian Blackman, openly admitted that they have been working together and that they believe that staying in the Empire is the ‘right thing to do’ FFS.

This has been their default position since the 24th June 2016

And now

Dominic Grevious and Hillary Benn want to amend the ‘meaningful’ vote next week to include, not leaving without a deal and remaining in the Empire if Treason May’s deal is rejected.

Benn’s father will be spinning in his grave; I never liked the man, never voted for him, indeed he was one of the first ‘I know besters’, loved to hear the sound of his own voice and loved to spend taxpayers money on doomed vanity projects. But he did understand democracy and did have five questions, for the powerful and un-elected which have always rung true:

“What power have you got?”

“Where did you get it from?”

“In whose interests do you use it?”

“To whom are you accountable?”

“How do we get rid of you?”

These five questions should be asked of the EU commissioners, presidents and bureaucrats every day until they understand what Democracy is truly about.

Everybody Knows,

in their hearts that we could never be allowed to leave the Empire. There are far too many future sinecures, far too many future pensions, far too many contracts for the multi-nationals, globalists, arms dealers and of course bankers.

Indeed there is the future EU Army to fund, to protect us from ourselves; multi racial Militias to rapidly crack down any uprisings from the ‘proles.’ As we have seen with the ‘yellow jackets’ in France, the French police have no problem beating, tear-gassing and water-cannoning their own people, but they would draw the line at shooting them. Merkels Militia’s, however, would have no such problem, fully tooled-up Germans have never been shy at following orders from a dictatorship in the past, have they?

Everybody knows that the ship is sinking, everybody knows that the Captain lied.

We’ve been sold out yet again, as we were in 1975

Unless we are willing to get out on the streets of all our big cities, in big numbers, with pitchforks and piano wire.

We’re staying in the Empire, get used to it.

